9 Principal Component Analysis

9.1 Dimensionality Reduction

The goal of dimensionality reduction is to extract low dimensional representations of high dimensional data that are useful for visualization, exploration, inference, or prediction.

The low dimensional representations should capture key sources of variation in the data.

Some methods for dimensionality reduction include:

  • Principal component analysis
  • Singular value decomposition
  • Latent variable modeling
  • Vector quantization
  • Self-organizing maps
  • Multidimensional scaling

We will focus on what is likely the most commonly applied dimensionality reduction tool, principal components analysis.

9.2 Goal of PCA

For a given set of variables, principal component analysis (PCA) finds (constrained) weighted sums of the variables to produce variables (called principal components) that capture consectuive maximum levels of variation in the data.

Specifically, the first principal component is the weighted sum of the variables that results in a component with the highest variation.

This component is then “removed” from the data, and the second principal component is obtained on the resulting residuals.

This process is repeated until there is no variation left in the data.

9.3 Defining the First PC

Suppose we have \(m\) variables, each with \(n\) observations:

\[ \begin{aligned} {\boldsymbol{x}}_1 & = (x_{11}, x_{12}, \ldots, x_{1n}) \\ {\boldsymbol{x}}_2 & = (x_{21}, x_{22}, \ldots, x_{2n}) \\ \ & \vdots \ \\ {\boldsymbol{x}}_m & = (x_{m1}, x_{m2}, \ldots, x_{mn}) \end{aligned} \]

We can organize these variables into an \(m \times n\) matrix \({\boldsymbol{X}}\) where row \(i\) is \({\boldsymbol{x}}_i\).

Consider all possible weighted sums of these variables

\[\tilde{\pmb{x}} = \sum_{i=1}^{m} u_i \pmb{x}_i\]

where we constrain \(\sum_{i=1}^{m} u_i^2 = 1\). We wish to identify the vector \(\pmb{u} = \{u_i\}_{i=1}^{m}\) under this constraint that maximizes the sample variance of \(\tilde{\pmb{x}}\). However, note that if we first mean center each variable, replacing \(x_{ij}\) with \[x_{ij}^* = x_{ij} - \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n x_{ik},\] then the sample variance of \(\tilde{\pmb{x}} = \sum_{i=1}^{m} u_i \pmb{x}_i\) is equal to that of \(\tilde{\pmb{x}}^* = \sum_{i=1}^{m} u_i \pmb{x}^*_i\).

PCA is a method concerned with decompositon variance and covariance, so we don’t wish to involve the mean of each indivdual variable. Therefore, unless the true population mean of each variable is known (in which case it would be subtracted from its respective variable), we will formulate PCA in terms of mean centered variables, \(\pmb{x}^*_i = (x^*_{i1}, x^*_{i2}, \ldots, x^*_{in})\), which we can collect into \(m \times n\) matrix \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\). We therefore consider all possible weighted sums of variables: \[\tilde{\pmb{x}}^* = \sum_{i=1}^{m} u_i \pmb{x}^*_i.\]

The first principal component of \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\) (and \({\boldsymbol{X}}\)) is \(\tilde{\pmb{x}}^*\) with maximum sample variance

\[ s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}^*} = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n \tilde{x}^{*2}_j}{n-1} \]

The \(\pmb{u} = \{u_i\}_{i=1}^{m}\) yielding this first principal component is called its loadings.

Note that \[ s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}} = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n \left(\tilde{x}_j - \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n \tilde{x}_k \right)^2}{n-1} = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n \tilde{x}^{*2}_j}{n-1} = s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}^*} \ , \] so the loadings can be found from either \({\boldsymbol{X}}\) or \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\). However, it the technically correct first PC is \(\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}^*\) rather than \(\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}\).

This first PC is then removed from the data, and the procedure is repeated until all possible sample PCs are constructed. This is accomplished by calculating the product of \({\boldsymbol{u}}_{m \times 1}\) and \(\tilde{\pmb{x}}^*_{1 \times n}\), and subtracting it from \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\): \[ {\boldsymbol{X}}^* - {\boldsymbol{u}}\tilde{\pmb{x}}^* \ . \]

9.4 Calculating All PCs

All of the PCs can be calculated simultaneously. First, we construct the \(m \times m\) sample covariance matrix \({\boldsymbol{S}}\) with \((i,j)\) entry \[ s_{ij} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n (x_{ik} - \bar{x}_{i\cdot})(x_{jk} - \bar{x}_{j\cdot})}{n-1}. \] The sample covariance can also be calculated by \[ {\boldsymbol{S}}= \frac{1}{n-1} {\boldsymbol{X}}^{*} {\boldsymbol{X}}^{*T}. \]

It can be shown that \[ s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}^*} = {\boldsymbol{u}}^T {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}, \] so identifying \({\boldsymbol{u}}\) that maximizes \(s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}}\) also maximizes \({\boldsymbol{u}}^T {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}\).

Using a Lagrange multiplier, we wish to maximize

\[ {\boldsymbol{u}}^T {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}+ \lambda({\boldsymbol{u}}^T {\boldsymbol{u}}- 1). \]

Differentiating with respect to \({\boldsymbol{u}}\) and setting this to \({\boldsymbol{0}}\), we get \({\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}- \lambda {\boldsymbol{u}}= 0\) or

\[ {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}= \lambda {\boldsymbol{u}}. \]

For any such \({\boldsymbol{u}}\) and \(\lambda\) where this holds, note that

\[ s_{ij} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n (x_{ik} - \bar{x}_{i\cdot})(x_{jk} - \bar{x}_{j\cdot})}{n-1} = {\boldsymbol{u}}^T {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}= \lambda \]

so the PC’s variance is \(\lambda\).

The eigendecompositon of a matrix identifies all such solutions to \({\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}= \lambda {\boldsymbol{u}}.\) Specifically, it calculates the decompositon

\[ {\boldsymbol{S}}= {\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}{\boldsymbol{U}}^T \]

where \({\boldsymbol{U}}\) is an \(m \times m\) orthogonal matrix and \({\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}\) is a diagonal matrix with entries \(\lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \cdots \geq \lambda_m \geq 0\).

The fact that \({\boldsymbol{U}}\) is orthogonal means \({\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{U}}^T = {\boldsymbol{U}}^T {\boldsymbol{U}}= {\boldsymbol{I}}\).

The following therefore hold:

  • For each column \(j\) of \({\boldsymbol{U}}\), say \({\boldsymbol{u}}_j\), it follows that \({\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}_j = \lambda_j {\boldsymbol{u}}_j\)
  • \(\| {\boldsymbol{u}}_j \|^2_2 = 1\) and \({\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{u}}_k = {\boldsymbol{0}}\) for \(\lambda_j \not= \lambda_k\)
  • \({\operatorname{Var}}({\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{X}}) = \lambda_j\)
  • \({\operatorname{Var}}({\boldsymbol{u}}_1^T {\boldsymbol{X}}) \geq {\operatorname{Var}}({\boldsymbol{u}}_2^T {\boldsymbol{X}}) \geq \cdots \geq {\operatorname{Var}}({\boldsymbol{u}}_m^T {\boldsymbol{X}})\)
  • \({\boldsymbol{S}}= \sum_{j=1}^m \lambda_j {\boldsymbol{u}}_j {\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T\)
  • For \(\lambda_j \not= \lambda_k\), \[{\operatorname{Cov}}({\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{X}}, {\boldsymbol{u}}_k^T {\boldsymbol{X}}) = {\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{S}}{\boldsymbol{u}}_k = \lambda_k {\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{u}}_k = {\boldsymbol{0}}\]

To calculate the actual principal components, let \(x^*_{ij} = x_{ij} - \bar{x}_{i\cdot}\) be the mean-centered variables. Let \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\) be the matrix composed of these mean-centered variables. Also, let \({\boldsymbol{u}}_j\) be column \(j\) of \({\boldsymbol{U}}\) from \({\boldsymbol{S}}= {\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}{\boldsymbol{U}}^T\).

Sample principal component \(j\) is then

\[ \tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}_j = {\boldsymbol{u}}_j^T {\boldsymbol{X}}^* = \sum_{i=1}^m u_{ij} {\boldsymbol{x}}^*_i \]

for \(j = 1, 2, \ldots, \min(m, n-1)\). For \(j > \min(m, n-1)\), we have \(\lambda_j = 0\), so these principal components are not necessary to calculate. The loadings corresponding to PC \(j\) are \({\boldsymbol{u}}_j\).

Note that the convention is that mean of PC \(j\) is zero, i.e., that \[ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n \tilde{x}_{jk} = 0, \] but as mentioned above \(\sum_{i=1}^m u_{ij} {\boldsymbol{x}}^*_i\) and the uncentered \(\sum_{i=1}^m u_{ij} {\boldsymbol{x}}_i\) have the same sample variance.

It can be calculated that the variance of PC \(j\) is \[ s^2_{\tilde{{\boldsymbol{x}}}_j} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n \tilde{x}_{jk}^2}{n-1} = \lambda_j. \] The proportion of variance explained by PC \(j\) is \[ \operatorname{PVE}_j = \frac{\lambda_j}{\sum_{k=1}^m \lambda_k}. \]

9.5 Singular Value Decomposition

One way in which PCA is performed is to carry out a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the data matrix \({\boldsymbol{X}}\). Let \(q = \min(m, n)\). Recalling that \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\) is the row-wise mean centered \({\boldsymbol{X}}\), we can take the SVD of \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*/\sqrt{n-1}\) to obtain

\[ \frac{1}{\sqrt{n-1}} {\boldsymbol{X}}^* = {\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{D}}{\boldsymbol{V}}^T \]

where \({\boldsymbol{U}}_{m \times q}\), \({\boldsymbol{V}}_{n \times q}\), and diagonal \({\boldsymbol{D}}_{q \times q}\). Also, we have the orthogonality properties \({\boldsymbol{V}}^T {\boldsymbol{V}}= {\boldsymbol{U}}^T {\boldsymbol{U}}= {\boldsymbol{I}}_{q}\). Finally, \({\boldsymbol{D}}\) is composed of diagonal elements \(d_1 \geq d_2 \geq \cdots \geq d_q \geq 0\) where \(d_q = 0\) if \(q = n\).

Note that

\[ {\boldsymbol{S}}= \frac{1}{n-1} {\boldsymbol{X}}^{*} {\boldsymbol{X}}^{*T} = {\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{D}}{\boldsymbol{V}}^T \left({\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{D}}{\boldsymbol{V}}^T\right)^T = {\boldsymbol{U}}{\boldsymbol{D}}^2 {\boldsymbol{U}}^T. \]


  • The variance of PC \(j\) is \(\lambda_j = d_j^2\)
  • The loadings of PC \(j\) are contained in the columns of the left-hand matrix from the decomposition of \({\boldsymbol{S}}\) or \({\boldsymbol{X}}^*\)
  • PC \(j\) is row \(j\) of \({\boldsymbol{D}}{\boldsymbol{V}}^T\)

9.6 A Simple PCA Function

> pca <- function(x, space=c("rows", "columns"), 
+                 center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) {
+   space <- match.arg(space)
+   if(space=="columns") {x <- t(x)}
+   x <- t(scale(t(x), center=center, scale=scale))
+   x <- x/sqrt(nrow(x)-1)
+   s <- svd(x)
+   loading <- s$u
+   colnames(loading) <- paste0("Loading", 1:ncol(loading))
+   rownames(loading) <- rownames(x)
+   pc <- diag(s$d) %*% t(s$v)
+   rownames(pc) <- paste0("PC", 1:nrow(pc))
+   colnames(pc) <- colnames(x)
+   pve <- s$d^2 / sum(s$d^2)
+   if(space=="columns") {pc <- t(pc); loading <- t(loading)}
+   return(list(pc=pc, loading=loading, pve=pve))
+ }

The input is as follows:

  • x: a matrix of numerical values
  • space: either "rows" or "columns", denoting which dimension contains the variables
  • center: if TRUE then the variables are mean centered before calculating PCs
  • scale: if TRUE then the variables are std dev scaled before calculating PCs

The output is a list with the following items:

  • pc: a matrix of all possible PCs
  • loading: the weights or “loadings” that determined each PC
  • pve: the proportion of variation explained by each PC

Note that the rows or columns of pc and loading have names to let you know on which dimension the values are organized.

9.7 The Ubiquitous PCA Example

Here’s an example very frequently encountered to explain PCA, but it’s slightly complicated and conflates several ideas in PCA. I think it’s not a great example to motivate PCA, but it’s so common I want to carefully clarify what it’s displaying.

> set.seed(508)
> n <- 70
> z <- sqrt(0.8) * rnorm(n)
> x1 <- z + sqrt(0.2) * rnorm(n)
> x2 <- z + sqrt(0.2) * rnorm(n)
> X <- rbind(x1, x2)
> p <- pca(x=X, space="rows")

PCS is often explained by showing the following plot and stating, “The first PC finds the direction of maximal variance in the data…”

The above figure was made with the following code:

> a1 <- p$loading[1,1] * p$pc[1,] + mean(x1)
> a2 <- p$loading[1,2] * p$pc[1,] + mean(x2)
> df <- data.frame(x1=c(x1, a1), 
+                  x2=c(x2, a2), 
+                  legend=c(rep("data",n),rep("pc1_projection",n)))
> ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes(x=x1,y=x2,color=legend)) + 
+   scale_color_manual(values=c("blue", "red"))

The red dots are therefore the projection of x1 and x2 onto the first PC, so they are neither the loadings nor the PC. This is rather complicated to understand before loadings and PCs are full understood.

Note that there are several ways to calculate these projections.

# all equivalent ways to get a1  
p$loading[1,1] * p$pc[1,]
outer(p$loading[,1], p$pc[1,])[1,] + mean(x1) 
lm(x1 ~ p$pc[1,])$fit # and

# all equivalent ways to get a2  
p$loading[2,2] * p$pc[2,]
outer(p$loading[,1], p$pc[1,])[2,] + mean(x2) 
lm(x2 ~ p$pc[1,])$fit

We haven’t seen the lm() function yet, but once we do this example will be useful to revisit to understand what is meant by “projection”.

Here is PC1 vs PC2:

> data.frame(pc1=p$pc[1,], pc2=p$pc[2,]) %>% 
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=pc1,y=pc2)) + 
+   theme(aspect.ratio=1)

Here is PC1 vs x1:

> data.frame(pc1=p$pc[1,], x1=x1) %>% 
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=pc1,y=x1)) + 
+   theme(aspect.ratio=1)

Here is PC1 vs x2:

> data.frame(pc1=p$pc[1,], x2=x2) %>% 
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=pc1,y=x2)) + 
+   theme(aspect.ratio=1)

Here is PC1 vs z:

> data.frame(pc1=p$pc[1,], z=z) %>% 
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=pc1,y=z)) + 
+   theme(aspect.ratio=1)

9.8 PC Biplots

Sometimes it is informative to plot a PC versus another PC. This is called a PC biplot.

It is possible that interesting subgroups or clusters of observations will emerge.

9.9 PCA Examples

9.9.1 Weather Data

These daily temperature data (in tenths of degrees C) come from meteorogical observations for weather stations in the US for the year 2012 provided by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).:

> load("./data/weather_data.RData")
> dim(weather_data)
[1] 2811   50
> weather_data[1:5, 1:7]
                  11       16  18       19  27  30       31
AG000060611 138.0000 175.0000 173 164.0000 218 160 163.0000
AGM00060369 158.0000 162.0000 154 159.0000 165 125 171.0000
AGM00060425 272.7619 272.7619 152 163.0000 163 108 158.0000
AGM00060444 128.0000 102.0000 100 111.0000 125  33 125.0000
AGM00060468 105.0000 122.0000  97 263.5714 155  52 263.5714

This matrix contains temperature data on 50 days and 2811 stations that were randomly selected.

First, we will convert temperatures to Fahrenheit:

> weather_data <- 0.18*weather_data + 32
> weather_data[1:5, 1:6]
                  11       16    18       19    27    30
AG000060611 56.84000 63.50000 63.14 61.52000 71.24 60.80
AGM00060369 60.44000 61.16000 59.72 60.62000 61.70 54.50
AGM00060425 81.09714 81.09714 59.36 61.34000 61.34 51.44
AGM00060444 55.04000 50.36000 50.00 51.98000 54.50 37.94
AGM00060468 50.90000 53.96000 49.46 79.44286 59.90 41.36
> apply(weather_data, 1, median) %>% 
+   quantile(probs=seq(0,1,0.1))
        0%        10%        20%        30%        40%        50% 
  8.886744  49.010000  54.500000  58.460000  62.150000  65.930000 
       60%        70%        80%        90%       100% 
 69.679318  73.490000  77.990000  82.940000 140.000000 

Let’s perform PCA on these data.

> mypca <- pca(weather_data, space="rows")
> names(mypca)
[1] "pc"      "loading" "pve"    
> dim(mypca$pc)
[1] 50 50
> dim(mypca$loading)
[1] 2811   50
> mypca$pc[1:3, 1:3]
            11        16         18
PC1 19.5166741 25.441401 25.9023874
PC2 -2.6025225 -4.310673  0.9707207
PC3 -0.6681223 -1.240748 -3.7276658
> mypca$loading[1:3, 1:3]
                Loading1    Loading2     Loading3
AG000060611 -0.015172744 0.013033849 -0.011273121
AGM00060369 -0.009439176 0.016884418 -0.004611284
AGM00060425 -0.015779138 0.007026312 -0.009907972

PC1 vs Time:

> day_of_the_year <- as.numeric(colnames(weather_data))
> data.frame(day=day_of_the_year, PC1=mypca$pc[1,]) %>%
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=day, y=PC1), size=2)

PC2 vs Time:

> data.frame(day=day_of_the_year, PC2=mypca$pc[2,]) %>%
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=day, y=PC2), size=2)

PC1 vs PC2 Biplot:

This does not appear to be subgroups or clusters in the weather data set biplot of PC1 vs PC2.

> data.frame(PC1=mypca$pc[1,], PC2=mypca$pc[2,]) %>%
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=PC1, y=PC2), size=2)

Proportion of Variance Explained:

> data.frame(Component=1:length(mypca$pve), PVE=mypca$pve) %>%
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=Component, y=PVE), size=2)

We can multiple the loadings matrix by the PCs matrix to reproduce the data:

> # mean centered weather data
> weather_data_mc <- weather_data - rowMeans(weather_data)
> # difference between the PC projections and the data
> # the small sum is just machine imprecision
> sum(abs(weather_data_mc/sqrt(nrow(weather_data_mc)-1) - 
+           mypca$loading %*% mypca$pc))
[1] 1.329755e-10

The sum of squared weights – i.e., loadings – equals one for each component:

> sum(mypca$loading[,1]^2)
[1] 1
> apply(mypca$loading, 2, function(x) {sum(x^2)})
 Loading1  Loading2  Loading3  Loading4  Loading5  Loading6  Loading7 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
 Loading8  Loading9 Loading10 Loading11 Loading12 Loading13 Loading14 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
Loading15 Loading16 Loading17 Loading18 Loading19 Loading20 Loading21 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
Loading22 Loading23 Loading24 Loading25 Loading26 Loading27 Loading28 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
Loading29 Loading30 Loading31 Loading32 Loading33 Loading34 Loading35 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
Loading36 Loading37 Loading38 Loading39 Loading40 Loading41 Loading42 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 
Loading43 Loading44 Loading45 Loading46 Loading47 Loading48 Loading49 
        1         1         1         1         1         1         1 

PCs by contruction have sample correlation equal to zero:

> cor(mypca$pc[1,], mypca$pc[2,])
[1] 3.135149e-17
> cor(mypca$pc[1,], mypca$pc[3,])
[1] 2.273613e-16
> cor(mypca$pc[1,], mypca$pc[12,])
[1] -1.231339e-16
> cor(mypca$pc[5,], mypca$pc[27,])
[1] -2.099516e-17
> # etc...

I can transform the top PC back to the original units to display it at a scale that has a more direct interpretation.

> day_of_the_year <- as.numeric(colnames(weather_data))
> y <- -mypca$pc[1,] + mean(weather_data)
> data.frame(day=day_of_the_year, max_temp=y) %>%
+   ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=day, y=max_temp))

9.9.2 Yeast Gene Expression

Yeast cells were synchronized so that they were on the same approximate cell cycle timing in Spellman et al. (1998). The goal was to understand how gene expression varies over the cell cycle from a genome-wide perspective.

> load("./data/spellman.RData")
> time
 [1]   0  30  60  90 120 150 180 210 240 270 330 360 390
> dim(gene_expression)
[1] 5981   13
> gene_expression[1:6,1:5]
                  0         30         60        90        120
YAL001C  0.69542786 -0.4143538  3.2350520 1.6323737 -2.1091820
YAL002W -0.01210662  3.0465649  1.1062193 4.0591467 -0.1166399
YAL003W -2.78570526 -1.0156981 -2.1387564 1.9299681  0.7797033
YAL004W  0.55165887  0.6590093  0.5857847 0.3890409 -1.0009777
YAL005C -0.53191556  0.1577985 -1.2401448 0.8170350 -1.3520947
YAL007C -0.86693416 -1.1642322 -0.6359588 1.1179131  1.9587021

Proportion Variance Explained:

> p <- pca(gene_expression, space="rows")
> ggplot(data.frame(pc=1:13, pve=p$pve)) + 
+   geom_point(aes(x=pc,y=pve), size=2)

PCs vs Time (with Smoothers):

9.9.3 HapMap Genotypes

I curated a small data set that cleanly separates human subpopulations from the HapMap data. These include unrelated individuals from Yoruba people from Ibadan, Nigeria (YRI), Utah residents of northern and western European ancestry (CEU), Japanese individuals from Tokyo, Japan (JPT), and Han Chinese individuals from Beijing, China (CHB).

> hapmap <- read.table("./data/hapmap_sample.txt")
> dim(hapmap)
[1] 400  24
> hapmap[1:6,1:6]
           NA18516 NA19138 NA19137 NA19223 NA19200 NA19131
rs2051075        0       1       2       1       1       1
rs765546         2       2       0       0       0       0
rs10019399       2       2       2       1       1       2
rs7055827        2       2       1       2       0       2
rs6943479        0       0       2       0       1       0
rs2095381        1       2       1       2       1       1

Proportion Variance Explained:

> p <- pca(hapmap, space="rows")
> ggplot(data.frame(pc=(1:ncol(hapmap)), pve=p$pve)) + 
+   geom_point(aes(x=pc,y=pve), size=2)

PC1 vs PC2 Biplot:

PC1 vs PC3 Biplot:

PC2 vs PC3 Biplot: